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The University recently transitioned to a new case management system. We are awaiting the migration of pre-existing data to allow us to produce statistics beyond the Formal Complaint data below. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we anticipate that the additional statistics will be published in Fall 2023. We appreciate your patience.

Formal Complaints

During the 2020-2021 academic year, a total of 17 Formal Complaints of prohibited conduct under Policy 6.4 were made against undergraduate students, faculty, or staff.[1] Of the 17 complaints, 7 were made against undergraduate students, 2 against graduate and professional students, and 8 against faculty or staff. These Formal Complaints are resolved under the applicable Procedures for the university’s different constituencies.

Tables 1, 2, and 3 below detail resolution of cases that went through the Formal Complaint process (i.e., investigation with determination by reviewer, alternate resolution, hearing, or appeal).

Note: The University has recently transitioned to a new case management system. We are currently working to migrate data into the new system and anticipate this process will be completed in October 2022. Please check back for the full statistical summary of alleged Policy 6.4 violations against students, staff, and faculty during the 2020-2021 academic year.

Table 1: Cornell Policy 6.4 Formal Complaints Against
Undergraduate Students in the 2020-2021 Academic Year

Prohibited Conduct Resolution Type Outcome Sanctions and Remedies
Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation Hearing Responsible Written Reprimand, Suspension, Directed Study, Recommendation of Counseling
Sexual Assault, Sexual and Sex/Gender-Based Harassment, Stalking Alternate Resolution Responsible Apology Letters, Written Reprimand, Suspension, No-Contact Orders
Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation Appeal Not Responsible N/A
Sexual Assault, Attempting to Commit Prohibited Conduct (Sexual Assault) Appeal Sexual Assault: Responsible Written Reprimand, Dismissal
Attempting Prohibited Conduct (Sexual Assault): Not Responsible
Sexual Assault, Sexual and Sex/Gender-Based Harassment Hearing Not Responsible N/A
Dating and/or Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault Appeal Responsible Written Reprimand, Directed Study


Sexual Assault Alternate Resolution Complaint Withdrawn No Contact Order, Educational Program, Meeting with OIETIX, Accountability Reflection Paper, Apology Letter, Alcohol and Other Drug Level1- BASICS



Table 2: Cornell Policy 6.4 Formal Complaints Against
Graduate and Professional Students in the 2020-2021 Academic Year

Prohibited Conduct Resolution Type Outcome Sanctions and Remedies
Sexual Assault Appeal Not Responsible N/A
Sexual Assault Alternate Resolution Complaint Withdrawn No Contact Order, Educational Program, Meeting with OIETIX, Accountability Reflection Paper, Apology Letter


Table 3: Cornell Policy 6.4 Formal Complaints Against
Faculty and Staff in the 2020-2021 Academic Year

Prohibited Conduct Resolution Type Outcome Sanctions and Remedies
Sexual and Sex/Gender-Based Harassment Determination by Reviewer Not Responsible N/A
Sexual and Sex/Gender-Based Harassment, Attempting to Commit Prohibited Conduct (Sexual Assault) Employment terminated for other misconduct while investigation was pending N/A N/A
Prohibited Discrimination, Protected Status Harassment, Retaliation Appeal Not Responsible N/A
Prohibited Discrimination Appeal Not Responsible N/A
Sexual and Sex/Gender-Based Harassment Human Resources Resolution Complaint Withdrawn No Contact Order, Education Program, Suspension, Final Written Warning


Prohibited Discrimination, Protected Status Harassment Appeal Complaint Dismissed N/A
Prohibited Discrimination Appeal Complaint Dismissed N/A
Protected Status Harassment Appeal Complaint Dismissed N/A


[1] Alleged Policy 6.4 violations and Formal Complaints signed between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. A single Formal Complaint can include multiple allegations of prohibited conduct.

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